
This page has information and documents required for doing business with Camrosa.


Vendor Questionnaire

To begin doing business with Camrosa the first step is to complete the Vendor Questionnaire, and return it to, along with a signed W-9.

Certificates of insurance

When a vendor does work on District property, regardless of the dollar amount of the project, the District requires insurance. The District must have on file valid certificates of insurance and the required endorsements, and Project Managers should verify with Procurement that the certificates and endorsements are in compliance with the District’s requirements. Below are links to insurance requirements for the most common types of work. 

Sample Agreements

The District requires vendors, contractors, and consultants to enter into an agreement with the District to provide to services.
Procurement will provide the vendor an agreement and insurance requirements to be signed and returned along with certificates of insurance to Below please find links to sample agreements for the most common types of work.